Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Action Research

When I first heard the words action research, I  only heard the research part, and thought "great more trips to the library and researching a topic that has already been researched and problem solved".  What I have learned in the readings so far is that I should be focused more on the action or inquiry portion of action research.  Action research gives us the opportunity to solve our everyday issues.  We can use a systematic approach to gather ideas in our own settings.  The research involved is not rehashing old models or instructional techniques, but observing the models and techniques we use daily and working to improve these on a regular basis.  I have learned that the process is about reaching a goal and not just regurgitating information and filing it away.  In action research, you define a problem, ask questions, and gather information as the first portion of the process. Then instead of just reporting on the information and your findings, like traditional research, action research takes it a few steps further.  I should analyze my findings, give some proposed solutions, try those solutions, and then modify if necessary.  Isn't this what we do on a regular basis with our students?  Don't we try and find what works best for each individual kid to help them succeed?  I believe action research will help me in my classroom by helping me diagnose problems sooner with my teaching approach.  By taking a systematic approach and asking my self specific questions on a daily or weekly basis, I can evaluate things i can improve.  From these self evaluations I can develop a plan to change.  I can also use action research to help my students become better learners not just in my class but all classes.  I believe by evaluating and gathering data on how music affects academic study, I can help our students succeed.  Hopefully in the process I will make believers out of the teachers also.

I believe there is no limit to how educators can use blogs.  There is a vast number of educators out there who have all experienced the same issues and dealt with them in different ways.  Blogs set up the avenue for us to share our knowledge and insight in to all sorts of situations from dealing with budget, dealing with the media, and discipline.  Personally, this is the first time I have ever used a blog.  It has already helped me in learning a new way to communicate.  I hope that people will find my insight helpful.  I also hope that the feed back I receive will help me in my everyday journey as an educator.


  1. Hi Kurt,

    First I wanted to say I love your background! I couldn't help but smile when I read your blog. When I realized I was enrolled in a research class, the first thing I thought of was my undergrad days spent in the library buried in books, sore neck, squinting eyes, and thinking so hard my brain hurt. I wasn't thrileed. I was relieved when I learned that action research allowed you to actively particpate in the testing process. This is going to be a lot different. Have you decided on a topic/issue yet? I think I have one, but am not clear on how I am going to fix the problem. I've got a long road ahead of me. Looking forward to following your blog. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! ~ Nadia D.

  2. Hi Kurt,

    First I wanted to say I love your background! I couldn't help but smile when I read your blog. When I realized I was enrolled in a research class, the first thing I thought of was my undergrad days spent in the library buried in books, sore neck, squinting eyes, and thinking so hard my brain hurt. I wasn't thrilled about it. I was relieved when I learned that action research allowed you to actively particpate in the testing process. This is going to be a lot different. Have you decided on a topic/issue yet? I think I have one, but am not clear on how I am going to fix the problem. I've got a long road ahead of me. Looking forward to following your blog. Enjoy your Thanksgiving! ~ Nadia D.

  3. Great Blog! I really like the look of it.Actually that background was my first preference but then I settled for another look.Great way of presenting action research. Way to go :)...Sapna

  4. When I first heard about this action research, I cringed and was filled with dread, just like you, However, after reading and coming to an understanding about what this was all about, I am actually, now, excited about this process we are soon to embark.
